Rizki Maulana Citra - rimzzzlabs.com

A dedicated Software Engineer and UI specialist. I create intuitive, smooth, and visually appealing user interfaces that engage and delight users.

A potrait of Rizki
A potrait of Rizki

About me

You asked for it, it looks like you are interested in my story, please read my 
resume if you prefer just my career path.

My name is Rizki Maulana Citra, you can call me Rizki, Iki-or Citra. I am currently a citizen of NKRI and a Software Engineer at Bitwyre

You are going to read my personal journey, I do not expect anything from you after reading my journey, it is up to you how you judge me based on this reading, but it is still a story and I believe that people change from time to time.

Journey - Part 0

I was raised by a small family near Pulosari Mountain. It was located in Banten, Indonesia. A beautiful countryside in Indonesia (IMO). Fresh air, rice fields, rivers, you named it.

See the landscape picture, wdyt?.

My mother is a religious person, she teaches me about religion, manners, ethics, discipline, and more. And I am proud to have her by my side. She cooks delicious food, she is quite a strict person.

On the other hand, my father is a hard worker. but He does not talk much (literally me). He is a figure. He inspires me to do what men do, and that is enough for me.

From my point of view, I am really glad that I was raised by them, I got pretty face, discipline, and manners from her, and I also got his intelligence.

A landscape of my village, contains a house, ricefields, and a mountain behind it, on the left, my family is walking in line to go to our relatives' place.
A landscape of my village, contains a house, ricefields, and a mountain behind it, on the left, my family is walking in line to go to our relatives' place.
A photo of computer desktop from my high school's computer laboratory
A photo of computer desktop from my high school's computer laboratory

Journey - Part 1

When I was a kid, I have dreamed of becoming a pilot, but things started to change when my father gave me a smartphone.

After receiving my first smartphone, I always wondered how this thing was made, -how it was possible for us to connect with people far away from us

It turns out, because of lack of tools and money, I never reach the point where I can study and experiment with the hardware.

So I just started over and started learing programming, I was learning Java back then, which was also one of the courses of my class at my high school. It was awesome experience. She teaches me about basic programming like, loop, condition, class, function, even OOP.

Fun fact, most of the female teachers are "fine" IYKWIM.

Journey - Part 2

It keeps getting better each days.

I did not have a computer back then, so learning programming is only possible when I am at the school.

So I started to get a job on social media, trying to do everyhting I can to get paid, like following airdrop campaign.

After a few months of hardwork doing small this and that. I finally got my first computer desktop. Yes! you read it right, I built my own computer desktop with the help of youtube. It is incredible how the internet work, right?.

But the obstacle did not stop here, I have the computer now, but now I do not have a proper internet connection. You see, -I live in the mountain foot of Pulosari, It is a countryside, Internet Service Provider has not reached our area yet.

So in order to learn programming on youtube, I leave my town and find a coffe shop that has Wi-Fi connection, and downloaded all youtube videos about programming, and then watch it locally at home.

That is how a self-taught-poor-countryside-boy (me) learned programming.

A blurry picture of mouse and keyboard on my first desktop PC
A blurry picture of mouse and keyboard on my first desktop PC
A photo of Rizki wearing white flannel
A photo of Rizki wearing white flannel

Journey - Part 3

I was on 11th grade and it was 2019. But then Covid-19 started to spread in Indonesia, and the government started to shut down all outdoor activities to minimize the spread, of course including educational area, which involve outdoor activities.

Whoever started Covid-19, I hope God forgives them for their action.

You did not read that wrong, I am technically on school for only 1.5 Years. But we humans adapt, so we started to study online, which still be used as of today because of it is efficiency.

With this treasure I summon.... Being adapt.

It was 2021 and then I finally graduated from SMK Negeri 8 Pandeglang. I was majoring on Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak -or Software Engineering.

Awesome school, friends, and experience. Might be hard to forget about it, I hope my memories can always keep it.

I did not have a single photo when I graduated from high school, so I will just put my

Journey - Part 4

After I graduated from High School, I wanted to help my family, so I started to look for a full-time job, I tried to apply regular 9-5 job, but nothing came in.

Foolish me, I forgot about who I am back then, I studied Software Engineering at High School just to work at fast food restaurant, a very unwise choise of life.

So I was thinking, how about sharpen my skills?. Then I started to hunt for a free paid course. It was a collaboration program between IDCamp and Dicoding who helps me improving my skills.

Started on 2019, IDCamp offers coding scholarship from basic to expert level. It was a very good program. I really love it, awesome experience. Then I finished my course and got my first certificate of completion.

 From that moment, I promised to myself to never waste any opportunity. 
A picture of my current desktop workstation
A picture of my current desktop workstation
A mirror selfie of Rizki, wearing white shirt with sage green Jacket.
A mirror selfie of Rizki, wearing white shirt with sage green Jacket.

Journey - Continues

I am currently working at Bitwyre, a Crypto Derivatives Exchange.

It is awesome place so far and the Colleagues are nice. Great team and productive workflow, I wish I can stay here for as long as I can.

I am progressively learning new things and keeping my self up to date with the latest trends of technology.

Thank you so much for reading my story til the end, I appreciate your time and efforts.

If you want to ask someting or just saying hello, please hit the "Connect" text at the end of every page. You will be redirected to my LinkedIn profile and can talk to me direcly.

The Story